rehoni / 2021-10-11
N-Gram算法则是基于这样的一个假设: 即在字符串中第n个词的出现只与前面n-1个词相关,而与其他任何词都不相关,整个字符串出现的概率就是各个词出现的概率的乘积。 N-gram本身也代表目标字符串中长度为n的子串,举例,“ARM”在“ARMY”中,便是一个3-gram。当两个字符串中,相同的n-gram越多时,两个字串就会被认为更加相似。
Jaro Winkler则是将n-gram算法更进了一步。将n-gram中的不匹配的部分同时进行了换位的考虑,使得能获得更准确的相似程度。JaroWinkler在比较两个较短字符串的情况下,能够取得很好的结果。
Levenshtein Distance算法
In this article, we describe the Levenshtein distance, alternatively known as the Edit distance. The algorithm explained here was devised by a Russian scientist, Vladimir Levenshtein, in 1965.
Levenshtein Distance,也叫编辑距离,是一种度量两个序列(字符串)差异大小的方法。
两个序列(以单词为例,这里序列也可以表示一个句子)的Levenshtein distance是在使用一个单词修改为另一个单词时,通过编辑单个字符(如插入,删除,修改)所需要的最小次数。
- 插入字符c
- 删除字符c
- 字符c与c’ 替换
We know that at the end of the transformation, both Strings will be of equal length and have matching characters at each position. So, if we consider the first character of each String, we’ve got three options:Substitution:Determine the cost (D1) of substituting x[1] with y[1]. The cost of this step would be zero if both characters are same. If not, then the cost would be oneAfter step 1.1, we know that both Strings start with the same character. Hence the total cost would now be the sum of the cost of step 1.1 and the cost of transforming the rest of the String x[2:m] into y[2:n]Insertion:Insert a character in x to match the first character in y, the cost of this step would be oneAfter 2.1, we have processed one character from y. Hence the total cost would now be the sum of the cost of step 2.1 (i.e., 1) and the cost of transforming the full x[1:m] to remaining y (y[2:n])Deletion:Delete the first character from x, the cost of this step would be oneAfter 3.1, we have processed one character from x, but the full y remains to be processed. The total cost would be the sum of the cost of 3.1 (i.e., 1) and the cost of transforming remaining x to the full y
public static int costOfSubstitution(char a, char b) {
return a == b ? 0 : 1;
private static int min(int... numbers) {
return Arrays.stream(numbers).min().orElse(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
public static double similarCalc(String x, String y) {
int value = calculate2(x, y);
return 1 - (double) value / Math.max(x.length(), y.length());
* 递归法
* @param x 输入
* @param y 比较
* @return int 返回的距离
static int calculate(String x, String y) {
if (x.isEmpty()) {
return y.length();
if (y.isEmpty()) {
return x.length();
int substitution = calculate(x.substring(1), y.substring(1))
+ costOfSubstitution(x.charAt(0), y.charAt(0));
int insertion = calculate(x, y.substring(1)) + 1;
int deletion = calculate(x.substring(1), y) + 1;
return min(substitution, insertion, deletion);
* 动态规划法
* @param x 输入
* @param y 比较
* @return int 返回的距离
static int calculate2(String x, String y) {
int[][] dp = new int[x.length() + 1][y.length() + 1];
for (int i = 0; i <= x.length(); i++) {
for (int j = 0; j <= y.length(); j++) {
if (i == 0) {
dp[i][j] = j;
} else if (j == 0) {
dp[i][j] = i;
} else {
dp[i][j] = min(dp[i - 1][j - 1]
+ costOfSubstitution(x.charAt(i - 1), y.charAt(j - 1)),
dp[i - 1][j] + 1,
dp[i][j - 1] + 1);
return dp[x.length()][y.length()];
The Levenshtein Distance Algorithm